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Get Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 for Just $4.95 (by digital download)



Get Both Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 and 2 for Just $9.95 (by digital download)

“Are You Sick and Tired of Only Being Able To Hold a Very Basic Conversation in Spanish Because of Your Limited Spanish Vocabulary?”

Patrick Jackson
Medellín, Colombia

Hola amigo/a,

If speaking Spanish or understanding native Spanish speakers is more frustrating for you than rewarding, I have a pretty good idea why. It’s because you have been lied to. I know because I was told the same lie when I was studying Spanish — and buying every learning-Spanish product I could get my hands on in order to improve my Spanish.

Too Good To Be True?: “Learn To Speak Conversational Spanish Quickly and Easily Just By Learning 400 to 500 Spanish Words”

Sounds good to you? In fact, does it sound too good to be true? Well, that’s because it isn’t true. It’s a flat-out lie! Unless your idea of speaking Spanish fluently is just knowing enough Spanish to say “Hello. How are you? And I want to order a beer”

How Do I Know It’s a Lie?

If you’ve been receiving my emails for quite a while, then I am sure that you are familiar with my story. And if you are not, please bear with me while I share my story with you. So that you know how I came to the realization that it was all a lie.

Today, I’m a retired attorney (“gracias” to the success that I have had with our Learning Spanish Like Crazy and Verbarrator products.) But I can remember my second job out of law school. I had been at that job for about 3 or 4 years. And I had been trying to learn Spanish on my own for about two years at that time. Struggling to learn Spanish is a better way to put it.

It was a very small store-front law firm located in the Bronx, New York. There was a rapidly growing Latino population in that neighborhood. And my boss wanted to attract more Spanish speaking clients so that he could grow his personal injury law practice.

So we hired a bilingual para-legal. The para-legal’s name was Bill. Bill served as a translator when Spanish-speaking clients came into the office. Bill was in his early 50s. And not only did Bill speak Spanish fluently but his Spanish was impeccable. Bill’s Spanish pronunciation was perfect. Bill must have known every Spanish word in the dictionary.

Since learning Spanish was my passion and Bill spoke Spanish fluently, I had to find out from Bill what was his key to learning how to speak Spanish so well. Bill had a very Anglo-Saxon sounding last name. So I assumed that Spanish was not his first language. But just to rule that out, I asked Bill was one of his parents a native Spanish speaker.

Bill told me “no.”

So I asked him, did he start learning Spanish at a young age. Again, Bill told me “no.” In fact, Bill told me that he didn’t start learning Spanish until he was 39 years old.

At this point, I started wondering: “Maybe Bill is just naturally gifted at learning foreign languages?” And then I asked myself the inevitable:

“Could it be possible that maybe I just didn’t have any talent for learning foreign languages?”

But then Bill confided in me that he almost flunked French in high school and that he was not naturally gifted at learning foreign languages.

So that’s when I practically begged Bill to share with me his secrets to learning how to speak Spanish fluently. And Bill told me that one of his secrets was to learn lots of Spanish vocabulary.

According to Bill, it doesn’t matter if your goal is to speak Spanish fluently or just being able to communicate with Spanish speakers with pure confidence when traveling to a Spanish-speaking country – you need to know lots of Spanish vocabulary words and phrases. Or to paraphrase Bill, “Knowing lots of Spanish vocabulary words, will make the difference between accomplishing your Spanish-speaking goals, or not even being able, to hold a conversation, with a 4 ½ year old Spanish speaker.”

That’s when I said “Bill, wait a minute. I’m learning Spanish now with one of the most popular Spanish courses on the market. And according to the company that developed the course, you only need to know between 400 to 500 Spanish words to become fully conversational in Spanish.”

According to Bill, that company had told me a big lie. They had lead me to believe one of the biggest learning-Spanish lies that you will ever hear. And that’s when I told Bill “with all due respect, that company is making millions and millions of dollars. So I think I should listen to them.”

Bill did not argue with me. Instead, he said to me “Patrick we are going to have a little experiment. For the rest of the day, we will only speak to each other in Spanish. And we will see just how well the two of us will be able to communicate when you only know 400 to 500 Spanish words.”

Later that afternoon, I walked into the firm’s bathroom, located on the basement floor, and I noticed a leak that had caused a huge puddle. It was unclear to me where the leak was coming from or what had caused it. But I wanted Bill to call a plumber immediately before our boss returned from court and wanted to know why no one had a called a plumber to fix the leak.

As soon as I opened my mouth to tell Bill to call a plumber, he reminded me “en español, por favor.” (In Spanish, please.) But I had no idea how to say leak, floor, puddle, pipe, ceiling, basement or plumber in Spanish. The Spanish course that I had used taught me how to say “baño” (bathroom) and “agua” (“water.”) But with the limited vocabulary that I had learned, I wasn’t even able to hold a conversation with Bill about something as basic (and urgent) as a leak in the bathroom that was causing a huge puddle.

In fact, I couldn’t even ask Bill if there was a mop and a bucket in the office, because the 400 to 500 Spanish words that I had already learned did not cover Spanish vocabulary as basic as how to say mop and bucket in Spanish.

So that’s when I realized that Bill was right. The foreign language learning company that had told me that I only needed to learn 400 to 500 words in order to speak Spanish with confidence had told me a big lie. And if I wanted to be able to express myself and communicate with Spanish speakers, then I needed to learn lots of Spanish vocabulary.

They Told Me That Learning a Second Language Would Be Fun and Rewarding. Why Is It So Frustrating?

If you have ever struggled in the middle of a Spanish conversation to recall a Spanish word that you have forgotten – or perhaps never even learned – then you know that speaking Spanish can be quite frustrating. I know the feeling. I have been there myself.

And I also know the frustration of not understanding an entire phrase (or conversation) in Spanish simply because I didn’t know just one or two Spanish words that the speaker used – only to find out that the words are common everyday Spanish words – that every 5 year old Spanish-speaking kid even knows.

And, of course, I know that there is nothing more irritating and annoying than not being able to “find” the right Spanish word when communicating with native Spanish speakers.

And I also know that there’s nothing more disheartening than after studying and learning Spanish for weeks, months or even years – and then having Spanish speakers looking at you or looking at each other like you must be “loco” (crazy) simply because you are unable to express your thoughts with your limited Spanish vocabulary.

So What’s The Problem?

Until now, the conventional methods of learning Spanish vocabulary have been very tedious and often ineffective:

  • Buying Spanish Vocabulary or Phrase Books
  • Buying Spanish Vocabulary Flash Cards
  • Using “home made” methods (e.g. using post-it stickers to attach the names of objects around the house, making index cards with the English word on one side and the Spanish word on the other)
  • Reading and Reviewing Lists of Vocabulary Words

I have tried all of the above methods. So I know how boring and ineffective they can be. And as I’ve already confessed to you . . . I know the embarrassing and frustrating feeling of not being able to express myself in the middle of a conversation in Spanish because of a limited Spanish vocabulary.

But . . . I also know and cherish the fun and rewarding feeling when all the right Spanish words just seem to effortlessly flow from your mouth. And that’s what our NEW and IMPROVED Visually Speaking Spanish will accomplish for you.

Learn Tons of New Spanish Words and Phrases Using the Same Foreign-Language Learning Method Made Famous By the Verbarrator

In 2009, we released our Verbarrator (learning-Spanish verbs) software. Since then, I don’t think a week has gone by where customers have not sent me emails saying that they feel confident that they can learn any area of Spanish, including Spanish vocabulary, specialized Spanish vocabulary (e.g. for the medical or law enforcement fields), and other areas of Spanish grammar (e.g. Pronouns and Prepositions) – but only if we were to make software products using the Verbarrator method in order to teach these areas of Spanish.

In fact, I have also received emails from customers who felt confident that they could learn any foreign language with the Verbarartor method.

In case you have been learning Spanish under a rock and have never heard of the Verbarrator, listen to what our customers have to say about our Verbarrator software.

Jay Walton
San Francisco, CA

Satisfied Verbarrator customer from the Netherlands

Peter Horwood “Mad Man Pierre” from MadManPierre.com


Our NEW and IMPROVED Visually Speaking Spanish uses the same learning method that Verbarrator customers have been raving about all over the world. And that means that you don’t have to spend another dime buying Spanish vocabulary books and Spanish vocabulary flash cards. It also means that you no longer have to nearly bore yourself to death using outdated and ineffective methods — such as attaching post-it stickers to the names of objects around your house and making index cards with the English word on one side and the Spanish word on the other.

The NEW and IMPROVED Visually Speaking Spanish Is To “Learning Spanish Vocabulary”, What the Verbarrator Is To “Learning Spanish Verbs.”


Let me tell you about some of the features and benefits of the NEW and IMPROVED Visually Speaking Spanish:

  • You will learn over 1,000 Spanish Words and Phrases covering many different topics.
  • Software has both a “slow speed” and “normal speed” play option
  • Spanish Usage Tips or Spanish Blunder Videos
  • You have the option to control the “timer” to make your response for both the pre-delay and post-delays responses, just like the Verbarrator software
  • And just like the Verbarrator software, Visually Speaking Spanish lets you select how many times you want the drills to run – just once or as many as 10 times.
  • And just to make sure that learning with Visually Speaking Spanish is always fun (and that the drills never become monotonous), you can practice the drills “in order” or “randomly” – just like the Verbarrator allows
  • You have the option to just learn Spanish words or complete phrases

With Visually Speaking Spanish you will learn over 1,000 Spanish words and phrases covering lots of different vocabulary topics. And this means two things for you . . .

  • You will be able to speak Spanish feeling confident with your new expanded vocabulary.
  • You will never again have to suffer from that embarrassing feeling that comes from not knowing the “right” Spanish word or phrase during a conversation.

Visually Speaking Spanish has a “slow speed” feature that will help you improve your pronunciation by repeating after the Spanish speaker — so that you can learn to sound just like a native Spanish speaker. I cannot promise you that native Spanish speakers will mistake you for a native Spanish speaker after practicing with this software. But I can promise you that if you play and practice with the software’s slow speed feature, you will get plenty of compliments on your Spanish pronunciation.

Visually Speaking Spanish has a “normal speed” feature to help your listening comprehension in Spanish. So you’ll never have to worry about saying “¿Cómo?” “¿Cómo?” “¿Cómo?” over and over again simply because you did not understand what a Spanish speaker said to you.

We have also added lots of “Spanish Blunders” videos to the software. Adding the Spanish Blunder videos was my very own idea. That’s because one of the greatest challenges that I had when studying Spanish was the correct or proper use of Spanish words that sounded a lot like English words — but are used quite differently in Spanish.

As your Spanish vocabulary grows and improves, you can shorten the software’s pre-delay and post-delay timers to give yourself less time (or more time) to make your responses. Just like the feature in the Verbarrator.

Depending on your Spanish speaking skill level, with Visually Speaking Spanish you can practice your new Spanish words as single words or complete sentences. The choice is yours.

What Do You Get With Your Copy Visually Speaking Spanish (Either Level 1 or Level 2)?

Besides an amazing piece of software – using the renowned Verbarrator method – you will also learn a ton of new vocabulary and common mistakes to avoid when speaking Spanish. But that’s not all you get…

Bonus Learning Spanish Like Crazy Bonus Check Volcano Spanish Lessons 1 and 2

Volcano Spanish

You will also get immediate access to our NEW “Volcano Spanish” (via digital download). Lessons 1 and 2. We recently added another lesson to Volcano Spanish – making it a total of 2 lesssons. Each lesson is about 1 hour long, consisting of an audio Spanish lesson followed by an interactive audio exercise. Volcano Spanish – which consists of an MP3 and PDF — will show you how to “erupt” your Spanish vocabulary by simply using English words that you already know.

My business partner suggested that we sell Volcano Spanish as a stand-alone mini-Spanish course and price it at $14.95. But I insisted that we include it as a Visually Speaking Spanish bonus gift for our loyal customers and newsletter subscribers.


Bonus Learning Spanish Like Crazy Bonus Check Anna Rivera’s 1000 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Words

I have licensed these two products from the editor of one of the Net’s most popular learning-Spanish product review sites.

The MP3 recording and its PDF have over 1000 Spanish vocabulary words — specifically selected because they are the most common and useful words that you will need to know in order to communicate with Spanish speakers throughout the entire Spanish-speaking world, including Spanish-speakers in the United States.

This product is sold on Amazon.com for $5.99. 


Bonus Learning Spanish Like Crazy Bonus Check Anna Rivera’s 800 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Phrases.

Anna Rivera's 800 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Phrases

This MP3 recording and its PDF consist of over 800 Spanish phrases.
This product is sold on Amazon.com for $4.99 and it is consistently a hot seller.



Bonus Learning Spanish Like Crazy Bonus Check Bonus Package from Learning Spanish Like Crazy Level 3

Until now, there has only been one way to get the Learning Spanish Like Crazy Level 3 bonus package. You had to buy Learning Spanish Like Crazy Level 3! But with your purchase of either Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 or Visually Speaking Spanish Level 2, I will throw in the bonus package from Learning Spanish Like Crazy which consists of not one, not two, not three — but four (4) bonus audio MP3 Spansh lesssons:

1. Words of Love and Romance Lesson One
2. Words of Love and Romance Lesson Two
3. Words to Describe Physical Characteristics
4. Helpful Spanish phrases and idioms


And I Have Some More Learning-Spanish Goodies for You

Not only do you get the above ORIGINAL version of Anna Rivera’s 1000 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Words and the ORIGINAL version of Anna Rivera’s 800 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Phrases, you also get the NEW, IMPROVED, and RECENTLY REVISED versions of Anna Rivera’s 1000 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Words and Anna Rivera’s 800 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Phrases. What’s the difference between the original and the recently revised versions?

Anna Rivera has recently granted my company a new license that allowed my recording engineer to make revisions to both of her products — by adding a space or a pause after the Spanish words and phrases are spoken. That way you can repeat after the native Spanish speaker and improve your Spanish pronunciation. The ORIGINAL versions (without pauses to repeat the Spanish words) are excellent for listening comprehension. You can use the originals while commuting, walking, jogging, exercising, etc. On the other hand, the REVISED versions are awesome for improving your Spanish pronunciation. And of course, you will receive the PDF transcripts to Anna Rivera’s two products.

But one thing that I am sure that you will like about the Visually Speaking Spanish software is the price . . .

It is the most economically priced product that we have ever offered. Are you ready for the price?
Just $4.95.

I am doing this not only because I am considering the present state of the economy. But I am also offering such an economically priced product as my way of “giving back” and saying “gracias” to all my customers who have enabled me to live the life style of my dreams – with a business that is based upon my passion (the Spanish language).

A business that also allows me to live in the “city and country of my dreams” – Medellin, Colombia. La Ciudad de La Eterna Primavera (The City of Eternal Spring) – 2,372 miles from my home city of New York – with its unbearable freezing winters and scorching hot summers.

Medellín, Colombia
Medellín, Colombia

So What Do You Get For Just $4.95:

  • An amazing piece of software (via Digital Download) that will vastly increase your Spanish vocabulary. Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 teaches over 1,000 Spanish words and phrases. And Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 also teaches over 1,000 Spanish words and phrases.
  • Volcano Spanish delivered via digital download (MP3 PDF). Volcano Spanish will help you to quickly and easily “erupt” your Spanish vocabulary using English words that you already know.
  • ORIGINAL and the REVISED Version of Anna Rivera’s 1000 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Words
  • ORIGINAL and REVISED Version of Anna Rivera’s 800 Plus Most Powerful Spanish Phrases
  • Bonus Package from Learning Spanish Like Crazy Level 3

* * *100% No-Questions-Asked Fully Money Back Guarantee * * *

I personally guarantee that if you make a diligent effort to just “play” with this software regularly you will drastically multiply your Spanish vocabulary. And that means you’ll be able to speak Spanish more effectively and with more confidence. And if at any time during the 30 days following your purchase, if you feel that I fell short in any way on delivering everything I promised, just send me an email, and I’ll be happy to give you a full and complete refund.

So if you are truly serious about adding a ton of Spanish words to your Spanish speaking arsenal, don’t miss out. Click the “Add To Cart” button below and get your copy of Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 — Or get the combo package of both Level 1 and Level 2 of Visually Speaking Spanish.

Get Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 for Just $4.95 (by digital download)



Get Both Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 and 2 for Just $9.95 (by digital download)

And What If You Don’t Invest a Measly $4.95 In Order To Exponentially Multiply Your Spanish Vocabulary In Order To Speak Spanish With Confidence?

If you are not prepared to invest a measly $4.95 in order to significantly increase your Spanish vocabulary, then prepare yourself for the following . . .

You may continue to find yourself in the middle of a Spanish conversation, frustrated and struggling to recall a Spanish word that you have forgotten – or perhaps never even learned.

You may continue to suffer from the disgruntlement and vexation that comes from not understanding an entire Spanish phrase – or even an entire conversation – simply because you don’t know one or two Spanish words that a Spanish speaker used. Only to find out that the words are common everyday Spanish words – that every 5 year old Spanish-speaking kid even knows.

And as you already know, there is nothing more disheartening than after studying and learning Spanish for weeks, months or even years – and then having Spanish speakers looking at you or looking at each other like you must be “loco” (crazy) simply because you are unable to express your thoughts with your limited Spanish vocabulary.

If not being able to communicate in Spanish and speak with confidence because of a limited Spanish vocabulary doesn’t annoy you or irritate you, then Visually Speaking Spanish probably isn’t for you.

But if you are sick and tired of not being able to speak Spanish with confidence – and you want to magnify and multiply your Spanish vocabulary, then click the “Add To Cart” button below and get your copy of Visually Speaking Spanish along with a bonus package that will help you to immensely expand your Spanish vocabulary.

No, thanks! I will skip this offer.

Get Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 for Just $4.95 (by digital download)



Get Both Visually Speaking Spanish Level 1 and 2 for Just $9.95 (by digital download)


Nos vemos,
Patrick Jackson
Founder of Learning Spanish Like Crazy

P.S. You will not see this special offer again to get Visually Speaking Spanish for just $4.95 ($9.95 for both levels 1 and 2) along with this special learning-Spanish bonus package. So don’t miss out!

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