Today, I’d like to share a link with you to a Free Resource To Learn Spanish Grammar.
I am sharing this link because a reader sent me an email saying:
“Patrick, I seem to be learning really fast how to speak Spanish with your Spanish course, Learning Spanish Like Crazy. I am very happy with how much progress I have made speaking Spanish with LSLC. I know you put a lot of emphasis on learning Spanish by actually speaking it and listening to the language being spoken by native speakers.
But I am the kind of learner who likes to study grammar on my own simply because I enjoy it. Can you recommend a web page where I can learn lots of Spanish grammar on-line?
A web page that is ‘gratis'”
Well, I also enjoy studying Spanish grammar. It is one of my favorite hobbies. Although I hope you understand that it takes more than learning Spanish grammar to master speaking the language.
Free Resource For Learning Spanish Grammar
But here’s a link to one of my favorite web sites for interactive Spanish grammar exercises on-line:
It is completely ‘gratis’ (free) and they cover both beginner, intermediate and advanced Spanish grammar on that web site.
What I like most about the exercises is that the exercises are interactive and you can score yourself
Otra vez, aquí tiene:
WOW just what I was looking for. Caame hewre bby seaarching
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