From:Patrick Jackson
Where: Medellín, Colombia
Dear Friend:
If you are still reading this letter then my question must apply to you: “Why Are You Still Unable To Hold a Conversation in Spanish with a 4 ½ Year Old Child After Spending Hundreds and Hundreds of Dollars On Learning-Spanish Products?”
But if you continue to read on, I promise . . . .
Yes, I promise to reveal to you the 3 specific things you need to do in order to dramatically improve your Spanish. Or even become completely fluent in speaking practical, everyday – or what I call — “down-to-earth” Spanish.
I’d bet that one reason may be that you studied Spanish with a “commercial” course that you saw or heard advertised in the mass media – on television or on radio. A course that was not designed to teach you to converse in Spanish – but a course that was designed to provide you with an introduction to the language and to teach you some very basic Spanish.
Surely if a course was only designed to provide you with an introduction to the Spanish language and to teach you very basic Spanish, you cannot possibly expect to be conversational in Spanish after completing the course – even if you spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours studying multiple levels of that Spanish course.
Or maybe a friend who says that he “can speak 4 or 5 different foreign languages” recommended his favorite learning-Spanish course to you — simply because he used some of the other foreign-language courses by the same company to learn the other 3 or 4 foreign languages that he “speaks.” But there’s one very important thing that he forgot to tell you . . .
He forgot to tell you that he isn’t fluent in any of the 4 or 5 different foreign languages that he “speaks.” He simply knows a handful of canned phrases for the waiter, hotel clerk, taxi driver or airline/airport employee for when he travels to a foreign country.
Or perhaps you learned Spanish in a classroom setting. You could have had the best Spanish instructor that money could buy. But once you stepped foot out of that classroom and entered the real world of plain ordinary Spanish speaking folks you were lost as soon as they opened their mouth and uttered a word.
You soon discovered that these Spanish speakers did not speak as CLEARLY or as SLOWLY as your Spanish instructor. And that these Spanish speakers used completely different vocabulary words than the formal or “stiff” vocabulary words that your Spanish instructor had taught you.
There are 3 reasons why:
- You are using a Spanish course or method that was not designed to teach you to speak conversational or everyday Spanish — the type of Spanish that common everyday Spanish-speaking folks use.
- You are using a Spanish course or a method that does not prepare you to understand regular Spanish speaking folks when they are speaking Spanish – especially when they are speaking Spanish among themselves.
- The course, method or system that you are using does not give you the opportunity to regularly practice your Spanish with ordinary Spanish-speaking folks.
- If you want to become fluent in speaking practical, everyday, conversational Spanish then you must learn the language with a Spanish course that focuses on teaching practical, everyday, conversational Spanish.
- You must also use a Spanish course that was designed to teach you how to understand the spoken Spanish of plain, ordinary Spanish-speaking folks – even when they are speaking among themselves informally.
- And the system or method that you use must also provide you with the means to practice your Spanish with normal, everyday, Spanish speaking folks – not just Spanish instructors.
I’ m Patrick Jackson, the Founder of the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system. I have spent more money than anyone who I ever met trying to learn Spanish on my own. You name the course and I can tell you that I bought it and that I used it religiously.
And no matter how hard I studied, no matter how much I learned, no matter how happy I was with my progress, as soon as it came time to step out into the real Spanish speaking world – and speak to a Spanish-speaker who was not a Spanish instructor and who was not a Spanish-speaking waiter, hotel clerk or airline/airport employee, I was completely lost.
Of course, there were occasions where I understood more than 50% of what a native Spanish speaker said to me. But as soon as the person turned to speak to another native Spanish speaker, they might as well have been speaking Greek, Russian or Mandarin. Because I understood absolutely NADA (nothing) of what they were saying to each other.
Besides wanting to learn Spanish just for the sake of learning how to speak the language, I have always had another reason for wanting to learn Spanish:
I am quick to admit that it was always a dream of mine to be able to converse with a really hot looking Latina in her native language. Which brings me to the turning point in my learning-Spanish studies . . .
Although my home is now Medellín, Colombia, I am originally from New York City.
Years ago, back in New York City on a very cold winter night, I went out to a club or as they would say in Latin America a “discoteca.” I went with someone who is both a friend and colleague in my profession. His name is Jim. Like myself, Jim is also an attorney. The club that we decided to go to is called Latin Quarters. But everyone just calls it LQ for short.
Outside of LQ there were two really attractive Latinas standing outside trying to decide if they were going to go in or not. Jim and I could hear them speaking Spanish to themselves. Jim didn’t know any Spanish. And I figured here’s my chance to practice my Spanish while meeting two very attractive young ladies.
So Jim and I walked over to them. I started off with the usual canned formal Spanish phrases:
“Hola” followed by the “Cómo está usted?” “Cómo se llama usted?” “Me llamo Patrick” “Usted habla inglés?” “De dónde son ustedes?”
They told me that they were from the Dominican Republic and that they did not speak English. The conversation seemed to be going well. In other words, I understood them and they understood me.
But after I got past those basic phrases in Spanish, the conversation went south. With each phrase that they said to me I understood less and less of what they were saying to me. And when they spoke to each other I wanted to scream “SLOW DOWN SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!”
Finally, in frustration they walked away and left me and my friend Jim standing there in the cold. And could you blame them?
What would be the point in standing there having a familiar or informal conversation in Spanish with someone who was NOT able to hold such a conversation in Spanish?
After they walked away Jim said to me, “Patrick, you’ve been studying Spanish now for only-God-knows how many years? And you cannot even hold a conversation in Spanish beyond 45 seconds?”
Jim, being a very outspoken person, then said to me “Patrick, your Spanish really sucks. I bet that you couldn’t even hold a conversation in Spanish with a 4 ½ year old.”
And I thought about what he said and realized that it was true.
No, not that my Spanish sucked. Actually, I thought that my Spanish was pretty good. I could read and write Spanish very well. In fact, I had just taken a trip Cancún, Mexico. And I thought that I did a good there job communicating in Spanish with the hotel clerk and the restaurant waiters in Cancún.
And most important of all — at that point in my Spanish studies — I was able to hold an intelligent but FORMAL conversation with a private Spanish instructor who I had just hired to help me become more “conversational” in Spanish. But it was true . . .
I probably could not maintain a conversation with a 4 ½ year old in Spanish. And God forbid that 4 ½ year old kid started to speak to another native Spanish speaker. I really wouldn’t know what they were saying to each other.
That was the turning point in my learning Spanish studies . . .
That’s when I realized that there had to be a better way. Somehow, someway, I was determined to learn how to speak real authentic Spanish. The type of Spanish that Spanish speakers speak among themselves. And there had to be a way to learn how to understand what the heck Spanish speakers were saying when speaking to each other. But most important . . . there had to be a way for a native English speaking adult like myself to finally achieve fluency in Spanish.
I refused to believe the two BIGGEST lies that people were telling me:
- It was impossible to learn a foreign language as an adult and that you must learn while you are still a child.
- The only way that you can learn a foreign language is by relocating to a Spanish speaking-country.
So I contacted the best private Spanish instructors who I had ever met during my struggle to learn Spanish. And I told them that I wanted to hire them to create a Spanish course with me. But first I shared a little story with them . . .
One night when I was about 6 years old my parents took me out to dinner to a Chinese food restaurant. I remember seeing someone who was dressed like one of the restaurant’s Chinese chefs having dinner with his family at the next table. I looked at their plates of food. I was not sure what they were eating. But I was sure that whatever they were eating was not on the same menu that Americans were given to order from. And whatever it was that they were eating sure looked delicious.
So when the waiter came with my plate of chicken and broccoli, I told the waiter: “I don’t want this. I want the real Chinese food.” Pointing to the Chinese family at the next table, I then told the waiter “I want what they’re eating. That’s real Chinese food.”
And with that story the Spanish instructors got my point. Together we created a Spanish course that teaches regular folks Spanish. The same Spanish that they use when they speak to each other. Authentic down-to-earth Latin American Spanish.
A Spanish course where all of the content was developed by native Spanish-speaking instructors. A Spanish course that only features native Spanish speakers. So that you can be sure that you develop an authentic Latin American Spanish accent.
And that’s how the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system was born.
So what was my contribution to the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system?
If you have bought and used as many home-study Spanish courses as I have — and if you have dedicated as many years as I have to learning Spanish on your own — you become somewhat of an “expert” on the topic of “what are the best techniques and strategies for learning Spanish on your own.”
It has now been over 10 years since that cold winter night in New York City when my friend Jim told me that my Spanish sucks. The same night when the two beautiful Latinas left us stranded in the cold because I was unable to hold a conversation speaking “familiar” or everyday Spanish with them.
I now live in Medellín, Colombia – La Ciudad De Eterna Primavera – the City of Eternal Spring. The city that is also known for having some of the most beautiful women in Latin America. I have been able to retire early from the practice of law and pursue my passion for the Spanish language. And I owe all this to the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system which has taught tens of thousands of students, travelers and foreign-language lovers how to speak real Latin American Spanish.
Learning Spanish Like Crazy is a method that will teach you authentic everyday Spanish. The type of Spanish that you will need to know in order to confidently communicate with regular Spanish speaking folks – and not just Spanish for communicating with Spanish instructors and Spanish-speaking hotel clerks, restaurant waiters, etc.
Best of all, with the Learning Spanish Like Crazy system you’ll learn to actually understand regular Spanish speaking folks. Not only when they speak to you, but also when they speak to each other.
As part of this entire system, I open up my “black book” to you and reveal an on-line resource that you can use to supplement your Learning Spanish Like Crazy lessons. With the on-line resource that I will reveal to you, you can get all the practice you need speaking with native Spanish-speaking folks – even on a daily basis, if you wish. Besides the Learning Spanish Like Crazy home-study course . . . the most important component of this System for learning practical everyday Spanish is to get plenty of practice speaking with ordinary Spanish speaking folks.
And when you combine your Learning Spanish Like Crazy lessons with practicing Spanish with native Spanish speaking folks, that’s when you’ll see your Spanish really take-off.
And there’s no need to take my word about any of this. See what students, travelers, foreign language lovers — people just like yourself — see what they have to say about my system.
Wall of Testimonials

Cincinati, Ohio

Lawrence, Kansas

a simple conversation with a native Spanish-speaking person. Working through FSI Levels 2 & 3, plus your upcoming Level Two LSLC Course should keep me busy for another several months and bring me to my initial goal of being fluent in Spanish! Not only are the materials solid and progressive in their teaching, you can sense the team approach and professionalism of the LSLC staff. Again, thank you Patrick, Liliana, Sebastian, Pamela, Ruben and everyone else involved with LSLC. Your dedication to excellence is refreshing. My short-range goal? Go to Bolivia and help a colleague in his orphanage and village this fall. From there I am unsure, but let’s face it, with perhaps 350 million Spanish speaking people in North, Central and South America, being truly fluent in Spanish can open any number of career opportunities for anyone willing to master these materials.”
John Rader
Bettendorf, Iowa

West Lafayette, Indiana

“As a psychiatrist who works in an inner city clinic with many Hispanic clients, I needed to improve my grasp of the Spanish language, especially listening comprehension and spoken expression. I had tried several other methods of learning Spanish but was never fully satisfied with the results.
Finally I discovered LSLC and found its intensive focus on listening and speaking to be just what the doctor ordered.”
Orange, Conneticut

Geert J.
Leuven, Belgium

Lauren S.
Homer, Alaska

Chino, California

St. Louis, Missouri

Kingston, Newhampshire
Here’s what to do next:
Assuming you want to grab a copy of Learning Spanish Like Crazy…
… first decide whether you want to get Learning Spanish Like Crazy Level 1 in CD format or in Download (i.e. MP3) format…
… if you choose the CD Platinum Package version, you will be rushed the huge package of CD’s shown below…
… if you choose the Download format (again, MP3), you will get instant access to all of the Learning Spanish Like Crazy material including all of the bonus courses.
What’s the difference between the CD Platinum Package and the Download?
Actually it is only the delivery method…
The course material is exactly the same. Let me explain…
The CD Platinum Package INCLUDES NEARLY 50 CDs TO HELP YOU LEARN SPANISH. It also includes the downloadable mp3 files of bonus Spanish sayings and insults (vulgar and non vulgar insults). Not only does the Platinum Package include the 30 Learning Spanish Like Crazy audio lessons, the Platinum Package also includes the complete CD courses of FSI Fast Course, FSI Programmatic Spanish One, and FSI Programmatic Spanish Two. You also get instant access to the digital downloadable version of FSI Spanish Level 3 (Advanced Spanish) and FSI Spanish Level 4 (Advanced Spanish).
The Digital Downloadable Version includes 30 lessons of Learning Spanish Like Crazy as well as the bonus Spanish sayings and insults (vulgar and non vulgar). It also includes FSI Programmatic Spanish One, FSI Programmatic Spanish Two, FSI
Spanish 3, FSI Spanish 4, and the FSI Fast Course as Bonus material.
Speaking of bonus material, let me break down for you what is included with your purchase of Learning Spanish Like Crazy today…

Bonus 1: FSI Programmatic Spanish Level One.
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This is the very same course developed by the US Government’s Department of State over 40 years ago and used to teach CIA Agents, FBI Agents, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Agents, and other U.S. Government personnel Spanish. This course alone is more than 17 hours of recorded Latin American Spanish lessons. There are tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of people that have paid between $200 and $225 for a copy of the FSI Programmatic Spanish Level One Course. We sell this course on Amazon for $97.00.. |
Bonus 2: FSI Programmatic Spanish Level Two.
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Level 2 of FSI Programmatic takes you where you’ve never been before with the “Subjunctive” mood. It effectively uses examples to teach you the Spanish Subjunctive mood making this topic as easy as a walk through the park. This course alone is more than 12 hours of recorded Latin American Spanish lessons. Many web sites sell this course for $199 or more…. |
Bonus 3: FSI Spanish Level Three (Advanced Spanish).
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Many Spanish courses claim that they teach you advanced Spanish but don’t even come close to measuring up to FSI Spanish Level 3.Besides Learning Spanish Like Crazy Nivel Dos, FSI Spanish Level 3 and FSI Spanish Level 4 are the ONLY Spanish courses that really teach you ADVANCED LEVEL Spanish.FSI Spanish Level 3 consists of more than 13 hours of recorded Latin American Spanish lessons. |
Bonus 4: FSI Spanish Level 4 (Advanced Spanish).
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FSI Spanish Level 4 consists of more than 12 hours of recorded Latin American Spanish lessons. Like FSI Spanish Level Three, I’ve seen this course being sold online for $174.50. |
Bonus 5: FSI Fast Course Spanish.
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This is the latest Spanish course developed by the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State. This course was originally developed for intensive classroom instruction by U.S. government officials, diplomats, military personnel, FBI agents, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) agents, CIA agents and other government personnel that must learn Spanish quickly prior to traveling abroad. But you as aself learner can use the FSI Fast course to accelerate their Spanish. |
By the way, the original FSI Spanish courses were on cassette. So the sound quality wasn’t the greatest. So, I took all of the FSI cassettes to a state-of-the-art New York City recording studio and had them digitally re-mastered. That ensures that you get the absolute best sound quality. You will also get download access to all of the FSI Spanish textbooks.
To order, select either the CD Platinum Package or the Download Format below…
LSLC1 CD Platinum Package For $299.95 On CD |
LSLC1 Only $97 By DOWNLOAD! |
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P.S. Remember, since this Spanish course comes with an 8 Week full money back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Again, No Hassle, 8 weeks Full Money-Back Guarantee!!!
Just in case you missed it above. If you’re unhappy with this Spanish course for any reason, just tell us and we will give you a full and courteous refund.Absolutely no questions asked.