I have a Spanish vocabulary word to share with you. And that’s how to say “set” in Spanish. As in a
‘bedroom set’ or a set of tools:
<center><h2>How To Say Set In Spanish</h2></center>
Set – juego
No te preocupes, voy por mi juego de herramientas y lo arreglo.
(Don’t worry, I will get my set of tools and fix it.)Yo iba a comprar un juego de alcoba contemporanea.
(I was going to buy a contemporary bedroom set.)
In some Spanish speaking countries, they do, in fact, use the word “set.” Apparently, the Spanish word “set” is a “préstamo del inglés” — something that was borrowed from the English language. But in the Spanish speaking countries that use the word “set,” the word is not used to refer to a bedroom set or a set of tools or any other collection of items designed for use together.
In the Spanish speaking countries that use the word “set,” the word is used to refer to a “parte de un partido” (i.e. a part of a game). For example, a tennis set, a volley ball set, etc. In those Spanish speaking countries, they may also use the word “set” to refer to a movie set or the set of a television show.
¡Quiero a toda esa gente fuera del set inmediatamente!
I want all those people off the (movie) set immediately!
<center><h2>How To Say Game In Spanish</h2></center>
By the way, the Spanish word “juego” not only means ‘set,’ it also means ‘game.’
El escondite es un juego para niños.
Hide-and-seek is a game for kids.
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