Let’s learn how to say biscuit in Spanish, how to say rolls in Spanish, and how to say bacon in Spanish. But first, I want to remind you that we are having we are having lots of fun and learning “UN MONTÓN” (a ton) of Spanish at our Facebook Learning Spanish Like Crazy page. So go “like” our Facebook Fan page and join in the fun at:
How To Say Biscuit In Spanish
Here’s an example of all the fun we are having and the Spanish that we are learning on our Learning Spanish
Like Crazy Facebook Fan Page . . . . I posted a pic of a typical “desayuno paisa” or breakfast in Medellín, Colombia. In the post, I also described all the foods in the pic of the “desayuno paisa”:
How To Say Biscuit In Spanish
One customer asked “how do you say biscuits and gravy in Spanish?”
And I responded on our LSLC Facebook Fan Page with the following:
“I am assuming that you mean American ‘biscuits’ because British ‘biscuits’ are what Americans would
call a ‘cookie’ and Spanish-speakers a ‘galleta.’ Spanish speakers don’t have their own word for ‘biscuits’
because biscuits are a very American food. A Kentucky Fried Chicken recently opened not too far from
where I live in Medellín. When I “tener antojo” (have cravings) for American food, I go there. The word
that they use for ‘biscuits’ in the KFC here in Medellin is ‘biscuits.’
But of course, they say ‘biscuits’ with a strong Latino accent.
How To Say Rolls In Spanish
I have heard Spanish-speakers MISTAKENLY refer to ‘biscuits’ as ‘panecillos’ — which is really translated as the English word “rolls.”
I then added, “I would say ‘biscuits con salsa’ in order to say ‘biscuits and gravy.’ ‘Salsa’ literally means ‘sauce’ in English but that’s the word that I have heard used. For example, I have ‘una amiga paisa’ who sometimes cooks when she visits my home, when serving me a plate she may ask me ‘más salsa?” – which can be translated as “more gravy?” or “more sauce?”
I continued and wrote, “I also noticed that Spanish speakers often use the word “con” (with) where in
English we would use the word “and” or “y” in Spanish. For example, we say “bacon and eggs,” they say “huevos con tocino” — we say “ham and eggs” – they say “huevos con jamón.”
When giving directions we say “Avenue Poblado and 10th Street” – they say “La avenida Poblado con la
calle diez.”
How To Say Bacon In Spanish
By the way, in Colombia, they normally use the word “tocineta” instead of “tocino” when referring to bacon. Interestingly, in Colombia, “tocineta” or “tocino” is NOT a breakfast food. And “jamón” (ham) is not a breakfast
food here in Colombia.
Here in Colombia, “tocineta” or “tocino” is a food that is usually placed on top of “hamburguesas” (hamburgers) or added to “brochetas” (shish kabobs) or “chuzos” (shisk kabobs).
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