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Patrick Jackson

Patrick Jackson

Today I will teach you how to say Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish. I am writing this blog post on February 14, 2015 (i.e. Valentine’s Day).


How To Say Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish


I was actually surprised today to hear my “novia” (girlfriend) say to me “Feliz día de San Valentín” (Happy Valentine’s Day). By the way, some Spanish speakers also use the phrase “Feliz Día de los Enamorados” in order to say Happy Valentine’s Day.


How To Say Happy Valentine's Day in Spanish


The reason I was so surprised that my “novia” said to me “Feliz día de San Valentín” is because Valentine’s day is not a major day of celebration here in Colombia. Colombia, however, has its own version of Valentine’s Day called “Día del Amor y la Amistad” (Day of love and friendship) facharbeit schreiben lassen which Colombians celebrate in September.

Before I go, I want to share a video with you. It is a video presentation that I made. But before I give you the link, I strongly encourage you to grab a “libreta” (writing pad) and a “lapicero” (writing pen) — or as they say in the Spanish speaking Caribbean “pluma” (writing pen). My video presentation is packed with learning-Spanish tips and secrets. So masterarbeit schreiben lassen I am sure that you will want to take plenty of notes.

I am willing to bet that one of the secrets is the key to what’s been stopping you from speaking Spanish fluently or reaching your goal of just speaking Spanish with complete confidence. The video size is rather large. It may take about 15 seconds to load. So please be patient while the video loads. Here’s the link:


Before you go watch it, I should advise you that it is possible that you have already seen my video presentation. That’s because it has been posted and re-posted and shared all over the Internet ghostwriter. But if you have not already watched it or would like to watch it a second time, here’s the link:
